Tuesday, July 31, 2007


happy birthday to me!


knns cough till damn tired liao-.-
anyways test today was ok;)
but boring day in all
fever in the morning fever all thru the night~

Monday, July 30, 2007

i swear

i swear i'm super sick!
*cough cough cough*
tmr test and report *cough*
wed labtest + gems test
thursday project 2 report*cough**cough*
fri i still dunno
sat prac for 1230pm till late
sun dunno*cough**cough**cough**cough**cough*
wadda week wadda jag=x
srry dun mind the coughs
but thts how freaking much i'm coughing-.-

;) *cough* *cough* *cough*

Sunday, July 29, 2007


sorry for being weak rash reckless
for being childish and stupid
unable to get over you
for being a coward unable to accept reality
for the things i said that hurt you - unforgivable
for trying to put you behind
i love you and i want the best for you
thankew for everything.the letters the handmade gifts the memories the pictures
you gave in many times tolerated me
you'll never be replaced as you're special
these memories will not die or be forgotten.
i'll do the best i can.
all the best to you.take care.may you find someone worthy

this ends how it started i love you bebot...

just because i'm not...

isn't love blind?
you open my eyes with the things that you say
shattered memories like broken glass
it seemed so real
its easy to leave now
for all was my fault now
the kindest heart i found i lowered into the ground
my tears forever with you
I always gave eternal love another chance...Say the words, I wanna hear... all over again Consuming love, my only reason...

well had a great concert-IBM
the energy between the audience and the band was really good i feel
many pictures
wasn't feeling the best becos of a freakin sorethroat
now looking forward to MD
its time to study

you never knew how much you hurt me just because im not....

Saturday, July 28, 2007

did what i could

i did what i could
i tried what i can
just for ur attention
i tried
fine now you hate me
its fine
i've tried to explain
do what you want
blame all you want
i tried
whats in the past will be in the past
i've tried to live in the shadow
but no
i've tried to forget
but it doesn't help
i've tried to get back
but got a NEVER
now u think all are lies
you hate me
my explanation's rubbish
thts all i'm left
i'll do the romanticide

one of life's greatest regrets

Friday, July 27, 2007


i know ur reading this so here i go...
don't wanna see me anymore when have you wanted to see me
for all the times i've asked you out.NOT once
you know ur important to me but am i important to you i guess not
you come online just to say hi and bye
you talk to me on the phone just hi and bye
you got all the time in the world for your frens except
does everything in this blog says tht i'm over you
i was not.and would not be
can't you read my pain.
my twosided stands
and what you think i lied?
maybe i did lie not to you but to myself
thinking that u'll still give a damn bout me?
yes its my fault my fault for initiating the breakup.
all my fault.
i regret and i'm sorry
i've got frens around me just like you do... the thing is that i dun give u up for them viceversa
how bout u?
ur world is your frens now? ain't it ?
you have no use for one guy filled with regrets.
yeah you don't care anymore?
of course you can say that, it doesn't matter to you."
twoppl whom loved each other dearly,cant be together because of circumstances.cruel isnt it?im sorry for the pain ive caused you."
you know that i still wanna be with you i made sure u knew that.
love can forgive?
u rather let us be in this state than to forgive.
maybe i not worthy
i know we can never be togetherand i wish someone would replace meand make you even happier.that is the day when i would be truly happy."

i know we could be tgr if you gave us a chance.
did you even think that we could still be tgr obviously not
you told me
that was the word
made me lose all my hope
i cried
i asked why?
did u come back no infact you lived ur life well
u've got frens. all the time
and me..
u really think that i can get over u?
u already did i guess thats why its so easy for you
to be happy?
its not that i dun want u to be happy
and i'm sure i wouldn't affect much

i won't blame you in fact is all my fault.
i took you for granted.i treated you bad
and i regret it.
you want me out of your life its fine
but you have to know i'v been honest

with frens or without i still miss u and am alone without you
just like how you're irreplaceble and how i am honest with u.
this is what i have to say
i'm honest with my feelings to you
everyone who reads this blog can see this i've got nothing to hide bout you
i hope you truly understand what i have to say and intend
its up to you to choose.
its all over.or there's a chance
whatever it is
take care.i'll miss you.all the best in whatever


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

a picture

i see the pictures it used to be me
i see the pictures alas it ain't me
i see a picture you with another guy
i so hope that it could be me.it'll never be
no more
i see the pictures with me in it
it slowly turns to grey,
slowly but gradually turns to grey

so happy birthday stella!
long long day today, after school met Charles and Keith after school to watch some pyscho shit
then walk town...town seems to have change so much! where are the uniforms=X
then met the everyonelovesus family games were rather fun lol
then lan at kovan
tired la

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

getting used to life....

i can do this ;)

anyway IBM is coming up...
and exams
and the day where boy becomes man =X

been feeling really tired and moody lately,dunno why
yc's losing energy i needa recharge
a new inspiration ??
a holiday?

somebody ooohhhh somebody will anybody find me ;)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

results orientated?

finally competetion's over....silver hohohoho.
what does silver means?
compared to what level???
ok shall not rant;)

anyway results are impt to ppl i guess.as long as the work for smthing they want a reward to prove that they've been there done that.anyway it was enjoyable while it lasted
congrats to sp clarinets!

i think i'm too contented.aim i can but not work..sighs lazy boy=X
many things to look forward to..IBM, aug concert with the saints! and of course semester exam....

o screwit...

Monday, July 16, 2007

whooohooo reborn...

Sup people who don't exist tht bother checking this place out( cause people hardly come here anyway)
yc's back...as if he's reborn
well in a sense reborn with a different view of things
smarter abit;)
my slumber has been rewarded
my mind cleared
my heart's in peace
mst 3/4 failed!
its ok ;) lying to oneself is not a bad thing=p
clarinet fest one more day which is on wed....que sara sara
i'm so clear now it feels so damn good
i've got closure quote "We'll never get back together."
sad is sad.but it clears everything up doesn't it.
single and abit available...it has a nice ring to it eh;)
anyway thanks to a few ppl like weiyi for the comfort during these periods=)